Subtitle Services

We've receive many request from JAV fans to download subtitle for jav video, for that reason we are introducing subtitle services , we would like to gather more feedbacks on how it can be done. Unfortunately this will not be a free service, as much as we like to make it free download for everyone, japanese translation is an intensive work, however we can try to reduce selling price as low as just ordering a meal. Here are some program for how it work

General Catalog (Live)

At the moment, we have close to 400,000 Jav movie title in our database, translating all of them would be way too costly and labour intensive. So how do we solve this? we will implement an upvote feature in each of the video, the higher the upvotes the higher the priority to be added in queue for translation. On weekly basis, we will also translate popular studio such as S1, moodyz, Idea Pocket and popular cast are ranking in leaderboard. Most of the title here will be available for download between $2-$10 only (Pricing structure not finalized)

Custom Order Service (Live)

This service will have highest priority, but pricing wise will not be cheap. Service should be complete as fast as 7-10days, you will need to supply video download link (GDrive or mega)

Crowdsource Campaign (Discontinued)

Well not every movie title will have enough upvotes to be added in priority queue, but there might be small group of people are willing to pay but not too much like express translation service, basically person who initialize campaign will have to fund 50% the rest 50% will be funded by other user, once it reach target, it will be added to priority queue, initalizer will need to supply video download link (Gdrive or mega). If it doesnt reach target within a timeframe, all funder will be refunded, basically like kickstarter style


We only provide subtitle file in either .srt .ass format, Videos are not included as it is violation of copyright for DMM/R18, if you don't have the video, please purchase it from R18 first. At the moment we only provide subtitle in English

Monthly Pass (Discontinued)

This is future addition, as catalog grew larger overtime, we will be adding monthly pass feature, user will either able to download X amount of subtitle per month or unlimited.

Translation Job Opportunity (Discontinued)

As you can see, if we are getting tons of upvotes and demand for translation service, our in house translater will not able to handle all of the demand, this is where you with Japanese English translation skill come in, basically you can either match by custom service or submiting your work in general catalog, and you get to keep 90% of the proceeds, we will only charge 10% of a platform fees (Fees structure are not finalized). Of course quality of subs will be vetted before added to live sales


Above program are just general ideas, we are in process of gathering more feedbacks and figuring out the feasibility of it. We would like to hear more from you guys, Any feedback is appreciated Thank you

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